
As Suffolk County District Attorney Kevin Hayden has already proven himself to be a steadfast leader and dedicated public servant, one who is committed to both ensuring public safety and instituting long-overdue reforms. From his initiative targeting and stopping the flow of illegal guns on our streets to his work increasing community collaboration between his office and residents, I firmly believe that Kevin Hayden is the District Attorney that Suffolk County needs and deserves and I am proud to endorse his campaign.

— Congressman Stephen Lynch


I think it is so important that the next District Attorney have management experience, a deep hands-on understanding of how the prosecution works, and a commitment to creating a more just and equitable legal system in Suffolk County. Kevin has already made significant moves to identify and implement new and innovative ways to find justice. He launched the Suffolk Restorative Justice initiative and invested significant funds in the Services over Sentences program to ensure those struggling with addiction get the treatment they need. If elected to a full term, I know Kevin will continue this great work which I why I am pleased to endorse his campaign.

— State Senator Will Brownsberger


I am proud to endorse Kevin Hayden for Suffolk County District Attorney. He is as dedicated a public servant as I have met, and I’ve seen him demonstrate it on multiple occasions since being appointed earlier this year. What matters most to me is Kevin’s vision and heart, backed up by over two decades of public service work. Kevin has a strong record of trial experience, a commitment to just outcomes, and a fair and ethical approach to prosecution that the residents of Suffolk County need and deserve from their District Attorney.

— State Senator Lydia Edwards


Kevin Hayden is a committed public servant who has always put the people first. Prioritizing use of the Services Over Sentences (SOS) program is evidence that he will take a balanced approach to the public safety and health crisis at Mass Ave and Melnea Cass Boulevard that reverberates across Suffolk County.  As the people’s attorney, I know Kevin Hayden will continue to pursue justice centered on the victims and their families. That’s why I am proud to endorse and vote for Kevin Hayden for District Attorney and ask that voters in Suffolk County join me in doing the same.

— State Senator Nick Collins


An effective District Attorney must understand the importance of working to make our criminal legal system fairer and more equitable, while at the same time keeping communities safe. As the former Suffolk County District Attorney, I have no doubt that Kevin Hayden is the right man for the job. Kevin brings to his office over 25 years of experience working at every level of the legal system, he has performed his duties with integrity, intelligence & diligence, and I am confident that if given the opportunity to serve a full term, there is so much more he can do for the residents of Suffolk County. I am proud to stand with him and endorse his campaign.

— Former DA Ralph Martin


Maintaining public safety while implementing needed reforms should not be mutually exclusive. As a former public schools teacher, Boston City Councilor, and mom raising my family in Dorchester, I want a District Attorney who will ensure our neighborhoods are safe while working to make the system better for everyone, which is why I am proud to endorse Kevin Hayden for District Attorney. From his work to get guns off our streets to his commitment to providing treatment over incarceration for those struggling with substance abuse, I have no doubt that Kevin is the District Attorney that Suffolk County needs and deserves

— Boston City Councilor At-Large Erin Murphy

I am proud to endorse Kevin Hayden because I believe the voters of Suffolk County deserve a District Attorney who is invested in our neighborhoods, dedicated to helping those in need, and committed to keeping our residents safe. Kevin has shown that he is committed to taking a community-driven approach to public safety, working with residents, faith leaders, and members of law enforcement alike to achieve that goal and ensure that all of our neighborhoods can thrive. He has the right approach and the experience necessary to be an effective District Attorney and have a real impact on behalf of the residents of Suffolk County. 

— Boston City Councilor Frank Baker


As District Attorney, Kevin has a strong record of showing up to deliver better outcomes for his constituents. He understands that to be the District Attorney for all of Suffolk County, you need to get out to communities like Revere and Chelsea to talk to residents about the everyday issues we are facing. There is no better candidate in this race than Kevin Hayden to advocate for us. He will ensure high standards are upheld in order to deliver on the promise of a more fair and just legal system that gets dangerous criminals off the streets while helping those in need of assistance.

— State Representative Jessica Giannino


Experience matters, especially when it comes to a job as important as District Attorney, which is why I am proud to endorse Kevin Hayden. Kevin fundamentally understands the job of District Attorney because he has worked for over 25 years at every level of the Suffolk County legal system, he has a proven record of real results, and I know if given a chance to serve a full term, he can do even more for the residents of Suffolk County. 

— State Representative Jeffrey Turco


I believe Suffolk County needs a District Attorney who is not only committed to keeping our communities safe but also has a demonstrated track record of delivering results backed up by years of experience. I am certain that person is Kevin Hayden. Kevin has worked at every level of the Suffolk County legal system, knows the DA’s office inside and out, and has already proven his commitment to the job during his short time in office. I am proud to endorse his campaign.

— State Representative Jeffrey Turco


We are at a critical time in Suffolk County where we need a bold leader to balance public safety and criminal legal reform. Kevin understands the importance of community engagement in achieving those goals. I am proud to endorse him because he’s a public servant who’s vision and experience is what we need during this critical time.

— State Representative Chyna Tyler


I am supporting Kevin Hayden because he is the most qualified person for the job. Kevin will draw on his decades of experience as we tackle issues that impact individuals across Suffolk County, and has shown an incredible commitment to community outreach and engagement as we work together to keep our neighborhoods safe and healthy. I look forward to continuing to work together on the critical problems facing our communities moving forward.

— State Representative David Biele


Having worked for over forty years in our Suffolk County legal system both as a practicing attorney and clerk of court, I know how vital it is to have a District Attorney with not only the right policies and vision but also the experience necessary to get the job done. This is why I am proud to endorse Kevin Hayden. Kevin's years of experience are unmatched; he is committed to keeping our communities safe and working to make the system fair and equitable for everyone. He is the exact District Attorney Suffolk County needs and deserves.

— Clerk of Courts Maura Doyle


As District Attorney, I know Kevin Hayden is committed to keeping our communities safe and standing up for what is right. I proudly stand with him and endorse his campaign.

— Revere Council President Gerry Visconti


Kevin Hayden is the District Attorney Suffolk County needs and deserves. Since taking office, he has already been hard at work delivering actual results for our communities, and I know there is so much more he can do if given the chance to serve a full term. I wholeheartedly endorse his campaign.

— Revere City Councilor Dan Rizzo


We need a District Attorney with the necessary experience to do the job effectively, and that person is Kevin Hayden. He is without question the most qualified candidate in this race and I believe will be the best District Attorney for Suffolk County. I am proud to support his campaign. 

— Revere City Councilor George Rotondo


Kevin fundamentally understands that to be an effective District Attorney you must be present and active in all communities across Suffolk County, since taking office earlier this year he has done just that. I know he is the right person to deliver real results for our residents and I enthusiastically endorse his campaign.  

— Chelsea City Councilor Leo Robinson


I am proud to endorse Kevin Hayden for Suffolk County District Attorney. I have no doubt he is the right person for the job and has proven that time and again since being appointed earlier this year. I stand with him in this race and look forward to working with him in the future. 

— Winthrop Town Councilor Rob DeMarco


I am proud to endorse Kevin Hayden's campaign for Suffolk County District Attorney. Since taking office, he has made clear his commitment to keeping our neighborhoods safe while working to create a more equitable system for all. From his initiative to get guns off our streets to his Services Over Sentences program, helping those struggling with substance abuse get access to the recovery services they need, Kevin has already shown that he is the right person for the job. I am proud to stand with him and support his campaign.

— Annissa Essaibi George


To truly create an equitable public safety system, we need a District Attorney who is both dedicated to instituting reforms and committed to working with those in our most marginalized communities to achieve that goal. I do not doubt that person is Kevin Hayden. Since taking office, he has already demonstrated his willingness to work collaboratively with residents, faith, and community leaders to ensure every resident, no matter their zip code, has the opportunity to live in safe and prosperous communities. I am proud to stand with him and endorse his campaign.

— Joseph Feaster


Since being appointed District Attorney earlier this year, Kevin Hayden has already proven his commitment to working on behalf of all residents, especially those in communities of color. From creating new units in his office to deal with issues of Civil Rights and Community Engagement to his investment in Services of Sentence and Restorative Justice, Kevin has a proven track record of results, and I have no doubt he can do even more if given the chance. For me, he is far and away the best candidate for District Attorney, and I am honored to endorse his campaign. 

— Louis Elisa