Issues & Priorities

Throughout his life and 25-year legal career, Kevin has garnered extensive experience working in the Suffolk County criminal legal system. 

As an African-American man and husband to an immigrant from Barbados, as a father raising two teenage boys in Boston, as a prosecutor with over a decade of experience in the District Attorney's office fighting to keep our neighborhoods safe, and as a defense attorney representing many clients who were failed by the system, Kevin knows the criminal legal system inside and out. He knows where it works and where it doesn't, and more importantly, he knows how to ensure it works for everyone.

Kevin Hayden believes the most important job of a District Attorney is to keep our communities safe from crime while also working to implement needed reforms. As a husband and father and as a Boston resident, he will work day and night to ensure all residents and their families live in safe and equitable communities. To do so, the Hayden administration will use a complete approach that includes intervention and prevention strategies in full collaboration with our community partners, alternatives to prosecution with real diversion services, and programs for returning citizens.