opioid epidemic

As District Attorney and previously as a defense attorney, Kevin has seen firsthand the opioid epidemic’s devastating impact on our communities. He believes in decisive, urgent action and regional response to directly address this public health crisis, repair the continuum of care, and help individuals access recovery.   

While much of this work will need to be done in partnership with the state and local municipalities, Kevin is committed to doing all he can as District Attorney to combat this epidemic. He knows that those struggling with opioid addiction, in most cases, need treatment, not incarceration. 

In April, Kevin invested $450,000 to expand the Suffolk County Services over Sentences Program with the specific focus of assisting those suffering from substance use and mental health disorders get the treatment and services as an alternative to prosecution. Program members will work with participants on detox treatment and maintaining sobriety, mental health treatment, establishing a source of income, ensuring safe and stable housing, developing skills and educational training, and ensuring access to healthy food and access to healthcare.