Restorative Justice

Kevin announced in May the creation of the Suffolk Restorative Justice program in partnership with Communities for Restorative Justice. This initiative will create a voluntary, inclusive, confidential, and collaborative process by which non-violent offenders, victims, and members of the community identify and address harms, as well as any needs and obligations resulting from an offense, to help all parties understand the impact of that offense and move forward in a spirit of healing and reconciliation.

Restorative Justices will ensure that:

  • Offenders see firsthand the human cost and take steps towards retribution and healing in the process of being held accountable for their actions. 

  • Victims can take an active role in the justice process, face those who have wronged them, and have the opportunity to receive not only justice but also further understanding.

  • The long-term health of our communities is strengthened and residents have the chance to form more trusting relationships with those in the District Attorney’s office and with each other.